Carbocisteine Solmux: A Quick Solution to Kid's Cough

One of my biggest fears is when my kids catch cough and cold. I wish there is a way to pass it from them to me for the sake of them to feel better. God knows I am very careful in everything I serve just to prevent them from getting sick yet there are really things a mom have no control over. So if anything happens, I keep myself ready and give proper attention soonest I notice any health problem just before it gets worse.

For coughs, I trust Solmux. Before it goes heavy, I give Solmux right away and carefully watch what they eat. It helps a lot to avoid the sweets and cold drinks. I also use rub Vicks on chest, back and neck area. This is not the first time I have gotten my kids to try Solmux, it has already proven effective by my family even before. It was prescribed by my son's pedia and since it is effective, I just stick to it. You can already see the improvement on the second day of taking this syrup because the phlegm is no longer as sticky, and on the third day, the coughing is gone.

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Based from experience, Solmux has the exact formulation to help relieve mild coughs. You can buy it over the counter even without prescription, and its very affordable. No allergies or any negative effect to both my kids.

I highly recommend Solmux as a quick reliever for mild cases, but once your child gets heavy colds and coughs, please take to the doctor immediately.

For more information about Solmux,

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