
Say Bye to Stretch Marks! #BioOil #ProductReview

My two previous pregnancies are two of those too precious and priceless experiences in my entire life. Those moments I will never regret even it caused me sagging skin and stretch marks in some parts of my body. Those stretch marks likewise substantiate my love and how much I am willing to endure for my children. I don’t know about others, but it really makes me feel appreciated to know that there are brands who know what moms like me have gone through and develop a product which helps improve appearance of scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone, ageing skin and even dehydrated skin.

Tips to Effective Daily Planning

Planning helps us be more organized with the work we already have on a daily basis. Planning, easy and quick as it seems, yet won't deliver result unless you act on it. Then, it escalates into efficiency. An effective daily planning is an integrated organization skill and willingness to achieve great results. It requires a positive attitude and determination to succeed. There are different ways we can apply effective planning depending on which method meets your needs. If you google it, you can find hundred methods. You can just pick one and test if it goes along with you. It is advisable to do the planning one or two days ahead to avoid hassle. To start off, a couple tips to keep in mind are:



How to Determine Expired Foundation

There are makeup users who are not aware on the expiration of makeup foundations they use. Once a foundation has expired, do yourself a favor. Toss it away regardless the brand and price before it cost your whole face. Continuously using it will only cause harm than beauty to your skin. Also, the efficiency of active ingredients become compromised over time. Your skin may react and cause you skin lesions, rashes, blisters, acne or even redness and swelling.

My DIY Planner Changes and Updates

#PlannerSeries #everymomspageplannerseries Remember I have posted my DIY Planner on a Budget and showed how I set it up? Well, sad to say the lay out of my weekly did not quite work for me. Notes are all over the place and appears kind of messy. I tried my best but the layout did not suits my needs. I am still trying to figure out how to keep it neat looking while keeping it functional. Or else, I need a switch to other layout until I find planner peace. I also decided to change some parts of my DIY planner which I will show in this post.

DIY: Sequined Button Paper Clips

I have been obsessing in DIY projects lately especially planner related ones. I just love customized cute things, and I love doing it myself because it is fun and relaxing. I recently posted some DIY paper clips I made with the buttons I cut out from old clothes. I also use some cute shaped sequins as a decoration. I posted the photo in my Instagram and Facebook account. Here is how I made them. You will need glue gun, paper clips, buttons and the sequins.

DIY: Nail Polished Keys #ColorCoding #LifeHacks

Here is a cute and totally cool hack on how not to confuse your keys. This works perfectly when you have more than two sets of key for your home so you get to easier identify which among the keys you need to use. Color coding idea saves you time and effort finding the correct key, thumbs up! I have seen these more than a couple of times in Pinterest. Aside that its functional, it also looks fun to create so I thought to do it as well.