
Saving Money on Family Medical Expenses

Pixabay Everyone knows how much it can cost to pay for hospital treatment, doctor care, and prescription drugs in the US. For that reason, many people don’t look after their health properly. Those who are working a job that doesn’t provide good wages are never going to afford that $100,000 operation. Sure, they can get insurance to drive the costs down, but they’re still going to be left without a dime in the bank. That is a real issue for many people living in this country, and it’s something that needs to change. The expert advice published here should help families reduce the cost of staying healthy.

Schools Out For Summer: Ideas To Keep The Kids Occupied

School will be closing for summer soon if it hasn’t already for you, and that means we have so many weeks ahead where we need to keep the kids occupied. This can be a huge task, especially for moms that are at home. You are the referee, you are the person providing the snacks and meals , as well as trying to keep the house in order and yourself sane. So I thought it was an ideal time to share with you some of the things you could do to keep your children occupied over the summer. Image source

Keep Fit Dos and Dont For New Moms

For a lot of us moms, it can be easy to put one's own health and well-being to the bottom of the pile. Of course, the little one is going to come first, and then they are very small they tend to let you frequently know that they need someone form you like change, feed or a hug. This can make it feel like you have no time to look after yourself. In fact, even the smallest thing like taking a shower can seem like an impossible feat, let alone getting your fix of regular exercise. But believe me when I say it really is possible to keep healthy when you have kids, just read on for some suggestions. Stroller Run One of the debts ways of keeping fit when you have a little one is to get out her and walk or run as much as possible. Of course, baby can't do it with you, and that is why you have to learn to do this while they are in the stroller.

Look and Feel Good with Athena

Having a very hectic schedule everyday may cause me feel hors de combat at the end of the day. Yet, I cannot find time to stop and relax when I wanted because I am a full time mom to three, with a full time homebased job, and also a part-time blogger. My duty is 24/7, I can get to sleep for only 4 hours daily. Although I am dead tired, I don't wanna look one. Hahaha I wanted to always look good and feel good. Aside from healthy foods, I also take a nutritious milk to help me keep up with my very active lifestyle. Even I am very busy, I make sure I get all the nutrition I need to be able to perform all my duties.

#QuakerOvernightBreakfastClub S'mores Oatmeal

I am a forever fan of Quaker Oats oatmeal. I love my oats with milk especially on breakfast and on a quick break when I perform my duties as a Virtual Assistant at night. My fave oats recipe is usually prepared at night, keep it chilled, and it will be ready in the morning. I like my oats soaked than cooked, because cooking takes little nutrients away from oats. So, here is one of my fave oat recipe, Club S'mores Oatmeal. 

The Resurgence of Embroidery in Todays Fashion World

Embroidery has long been present in designs seen on everything from jackets and jeans to royal gowns, bedding and cushions. Now we're seeing this ancient art form make a modern day comeback, with embroidery designs queries throwing up lots of resources, including instructional videos, step by step guides, expert tips and design ideas. Whether you're a complete beginner or a practised hand looking for free embroidery designs for your work, the internet is the place to be for modern day embroidery.

Goodbye to Scars with Clearascar

Getting rid of scar may cost an arm and a leg these days. Surgical clinics offer different scar removal procedures but still, no assurance that it can really help on your scar problem or might make it worst. It is always a best choice to look for a product in the market with If an obvious scar annoys you, better look for a product from a trusted brand. For a sure-fire positive result, I highly recommend a trusted brand that provides quality products.