
PCWorx For All Your Computer Needs + #BacktoSchool Special

PCWorx McArthur Hiway, San Roque, Tarlac beside SM I work as a virtual assistant and it requires to have reliable devices/equipment to be more efficient at work. It's cool that there is a store like  PCWorx that has all the office equipment  which work at home moms like me might need. From computer accessories to gadgets, computers, laptops and printers. Name it, they have it!

Bodifresh #Giveaway US

Good Day everyone! I am a bit busy this past few days, because I receive a lot of tasks from my client. It's okay and I will never fret, being busy means so much blessings! I am glad I am able to provide to my family even I am just at home.  Don't worry, I will catch up next week and will try to post and update everyone. In the meantime, here is another surprise giveaway which I am one of the chosen bloggers to help promote.  

Grab Your Power Pops Rice Bar at PCWorx

As a part of Father's Day Celebration,  PCWorx in partnership with Lemon Square holds a Nationwide activity to  all PCWorx Stores nationwide. Keep reading to know more about the activity.

#DIY: Popsicle Stick Box

I would like to share a DIY project my son made for me. isn't that so sweet? He still has few popsicle sticks from some summer activity plays that we did and he thought to use it for a project. I am glad he is kinda getting interested in doing DIY projects because it allows him to become more patient and more creative. For today, he made a popsicle sticks box. He asked for a little of my help in aligning the foundation which is the bottom, then he did the rest and the designs.

Remove Common Stubborn Stains on Your Kid's Uniform

Stubborn stains, anyone? Whether I like it or not, I need to deal with it. Unless I have a lot of penny to buy new uniform, oh come on Lai, in my dreams.  The truth is, It is very unpredictable what are going to happen in school. Even your kids are very careful not to pick stains, there are still instances they bring home stained school uniform.  Here are some techniques to remove common stains on my son's school uniform which I learned also from my mommy friends.

#DIY: #Costumized School Items Using Tapes

Last Thursday, it was Independence Day and there was no school class. Me and my son thought to make some #diy projects and as usual, we came up with a lot of ideas. One of many is washifying! Some I will post next week. In the meantime, I will post about how to customized or design your kid's school items like pens, pencils and notebooks using washi tapes. 

My Breastfeeding Journey: How to Use Breast Milk Storage Bags

 Even before I gave birth. I have firmly resoluted to stick on breastfeed instead of formula milk. Not only for practicality but also I am aware how important it is for a baby to get the perfect nutrition on the initial years of his life. And now that he is about to turn two years old, I am a proud mom! Nursing my son for two years is paired with a lot of challenges. It was kind of hard most specially at first months because I am at the same time working and he really continously refuses bottle. 

Beauty Post: Enchanted After Midnight Smokey Eyes Review

  This palette has been sitting around on my makeup stash for quite sometime now and it's just recently when I finally tried it. Me and hubby went out on a family date and I dared to sport a smokey eye look. Haha it's the second time I went out with a smokey eye makeup and I am proud that I am kinda getting a bit good in doing smokey eyes. It was late in the afternoon when we went out so it is expected that we were still out til night. 

Fun Learning: Sorting Colors Using MarshMallows

When teaching kids, I realized the importance not let the child feel pressured and just let them learn organically instead. As both of my kids grow up, I try my best to incorporate the teaching on our usual activities that we do in a daily basis to make the learning fun and also allows them to learn through simple things.

Father's Day Giveaway!

Father's Day is the perfect occasion to host a great giveaway! Bargains with Brittanie has teamed up with some amazing bloggers to offer you a Father's Day Giveaway that features over $844 worth of prizes!

Cool Down with Ripe Mango-Jackfruit Smoothie

Follow my blog with Bloglovin   Hubby came home with a basketful of ripe and unripe mangoes. Yey! He knows how I love mangoes and I crave whenever I see someone eating mango.  One thing that I love doing on my mango is  making a mango shake, Most especially on a hot summer, it really cools me down to have a cold mango shake. I like trying adding other fruits with it and this time I added jackfruit also just to give my regular ripe mango shake a lil twist.

Healthy Snack #BiteMe #EatOrganic

I limit my kids to soda because I know that it's not good for their health. At times, I am also strict in implementing NO JUNKFOODs at home. I am glad I have found a delicious and healthy snack which my whole family will enjoy as an alternative to processed junkies. I am talking about Bite Me Snack. For those who have been following me through my blogging journey, you know that I am really trying my best to stick to anything organic and natural. Not only in foods or products we use but in general.

Tips in Buying a Car

If you are currently in the market for a new vehicle, CONGRATULATIONS! No doubt that you are in very good financial status and your life is performing better. However, there are factors you need to learn before investing in a vehicle. This article will help you figure out what are the things you need to keep in mind when purchasing a car.

#iPanelPh Redemption Payment Proof

  I am not sure how many times already that I have redeemed in iPanelPh . For all of you who are not familiar with iPanel , here is my review last year. CLICK HERE. And here's my post about my previous successful redemption, CLICK HERE .

Yacon Syrup: Low-Glycemic Sweetener #WeightLoss

  Just last month, I received something from mail and I am glad to see this health related product, Yacon Syrup. I have seen in television and internet that Yacon syrup helps a lot in loosing weight. I recommended this to my mom who needs to lose weight. She incorporates it in her coffee everyday. She uses it as an alternative to sugar because it is also known as an all-natural sweetener. She makes sure she takes one teaspoon every morning and evening. I am very positive that this is safe because it is a natural food you can eat everyday.