
Myra Vitasmooth Hydrating Hand and Body Lotion Review

Before I tried Myra Vitasmooth Hydrating Hand and Body Lotion, I was too inlove with other brand that I even hoard from different lines of their lotions. Until one day, I bumped to a friend who has noticeably fairer skin. Her skin was not that fair before, and not smooth when I last saw her a year ago. I asked her what lotion she uses and she answered Myra. So, the next day I purchased myself a 200ml bottle of Vitasmooth Hydrating Hand and Body Lotion.

Looking For Japanese-Korean Foods in Pampanga? Saiko-No Ramen House Review

Every Sunday my family goes somewhere out to take a break from the very hectic week. And as what we get used, our day out is a chance to try anything new. Far from our usual hangout, we decided  for a movie date in SM Clark, Pampanga. After we watched movies, we did some shopping. It was fun and exciting because there are discounted items we took advantage so everyone had a great time! And ofcourse before we head home, we wanted to fill our tummies with delicious foods. And this time, we ended up in Saiko-No Ramen House for an early dinner which is located in Angeles City, Pampanga.  Saiko-No Ramen House's location is roughly 10 minutes drive from SM Clark. Saiko-No Ramen House serves Japanese-Korean cuisine packed with flavors at a very affordable price. Restaurant which opens in September 2017. The restaurant is owned by Perlita Sun,  Aurea Umayam,  and Krizna Doromal.  There is no wide parking area although street parking is a good option for diners since the street is t

How To Set Up A Perfect Sleeping Environment?

Did you sleep well yesterday night? Most of you won’t be able to answer this question affirmative. The reasons are too many. The number of people complaining of sleeplessness is increasing since the past few years. You can blame it on our hectic lifestyle, increased stress levels, or the constant pressure to excel in academics or professional commitments. However, most of these causes of insomnia can be controlled by simply setting up a perfect sleeping environment. Want to know how? Below are some effective tips for setting up your bedroom in a right way to ensure proper sleep.

3 Time Management Tips for All Moms Out There

Unquestionably, mothers are one of the best people on the planet. With the unconditional love and care they keep showing to their families, they become the most important individual in one’s life. As they say, motherhood is the hardest job in the entire world, so you have to get ready for this milestone in your life. Life can be taxing once in awhile. As a mother, you surely have tons of obligations. Be sure to take full responsibilities of your kids and make time for your family. It might be tough to fulfill all these stuff, however, you can maximize your time being a mother. In case you are a working mom, you need to put more effort in prioritizing your family. Here are some valuable tips to guide you in managing your time properly as a mother:

4 Gorgeous Journals from to Plan Your Days

            We all need planners, journals, or simple notebooks to make sure that we’re right on track, our schedules are well arranged, and to simply be as organized as possible. And while doing so, a lot of us also want planners or journals that look unique and represent who we are as people. If you’re still in search of the perfect one for you, one of these may be the one.

Examining the 6 Different Types of Mattress

The type of mattress that is most suitable for you will largely depend on personal preference.  There are six main types of mattress, each offering something different.  So, whether you require a firm mattress because you suffer from back pain, or a pillow-top mattress for cloud-like support, keep reading.  In this article, we’re going to look at the six different types of mattress and explain which type of sleeper they are best for.

How to Potty Train Your Puppy Fast

If you’ve done enough research on the web, you’ll notice there are conflicting ideas on how to potty train your puppy the correct way. Some believe in punishing your dog out of the habit, which only seems to reinforce anxiety and more potty accidents in the home. Others—such as me—believe in a positive approach where your puppy is rewarded for good behaviour and encouraged to repeat it. So from the mouth of a dog lover and professional dog trainer, here are the best ways to potty train your puppy fast.