
3 Ways To Make Cash Fast In Time For Christmas

Picture by Tookapic With Halloween over, the next party waiting in line for your payday is Christmas. As last years plan to save for this Christmas failed due to life happening this year; your car broke down unexpectedly, school trip fees, overspending on the holidays and so on. The money you hoped to squirrel away for a merry Christmas has dissipated throughout the year to attend to life's problems and events.

What Age is it Appropriate for Your Kids to Develop a Skin Care Routine?

The largest organ in the human body is skin. As with other organs, such as the lungs, heart, and liver, it has a vital task to do: protecting all that is inside from getting out, and stop any invaders (dirt, germs) from getting in. Nevertheless, with all the busy schedules in life, it can be easy for our skin to dehydrate or sunburn when not properly cared for with the right skincare products. This can include products that include moisturizer, SPF, or vitamin C and E serum . This is why a healthy skin care routine should begin while your child is still a baby. Reasons for developing a skin care routine include:

7 Inexpensive Ways to Update Your Style this Fall

With each new season comes new fashion trends and the inevitable craving to overhaul your entire wardrobe. However – not all of us can afford to completely throw out last autumn’s jumpers and boots to be replaced with shiny new ones.  We’re here to share a few tips and tricks on how to update your style using key pieces you already own and switching up some things you can change without breaking the bank. Read on to find out how! 

6 Tips To Cycle Your Way to Weight Loss

photo credit: GJ Lopez, cyclist Cycling is the one workout that you don't get tired of. If you're up for getting rid of a few kg's and want to keep it that way, all you need is a bike to ride your way to weight loss. Why cycling? Simply put, its not just exercise, you can easily do intervals, can be done both indoors and outdoors and lastly, its gentle on the joints. Here are 6 practical tips to choose cycling as your sole exercise to lose weight.

Signs You are Ready to Date Again

If you are single and looking to involve yourself in a relationship, what holds you back? Most especially with the holiday coming, getting into a new relationship can be a good idea. But if you had previous heartbreak, and not sure if you are ready yet, this post can help you. Accept the fact when it comes in a relationship that there are risks involved. The challenge is built in because that's how we grow as human beings. There is no escaping pain in relationships even you are both in love, and you feel like everything is perfect.

Salon Owners Guide to Purchasing Quality Pedicure Chairs

Whether you’re in the process of opening a new salon or revamping your establishment, investing in quality equipment can contribute to the overall success of your business. When shopping for new equipment you should give extra consideration to the type of pedicure chairs that you purchase. After all, manicures and pedicures account for the large chunk of the business that your salon generates. Therefore, you’ll want to thoroughly research the different types of pedicure chairs on the market to determine which brand is the best fit for your salon.

Are You Ready Enough?

With hurricanes passing through the US more frequently and the number of wildfires seemingly increasing each year, you might have asked yourself a fundamental question: “are you ready?” Chances are you are not. Planning for the unexpected is not something that most people love to do or even would consider doing. Here is a range of unforeseen events and a starter for 10 to get your thinking about getting prepared.

How Do You Know If A Pet Is Right For Your Family?

Image Source For a lot of people, a family isn't complete if it's missing one important element: a family pet. Bringing a pet into your home can be one of the best things for your family. After all, pets offer love and companionship, they help kids learn responsibility, and they can keep you all active with their near constant levels of energy. Of course, it's important to remember that not every pet is going to perfect for every kind of home or every kind of family. In the same way that all families are different, so are all pets. With that in mind, here are some things to consider when deciding if a pet is right for your family.

Should You Do Your Own Pest Control?

Is DIY Pest Control A Good Idea? Having pests as house mates is no fun. Whether termites are eating away at your woodwork, flies are spreading disease or mice are gnawing through electricity cables, you need to seek an answer to the problem as soon as possible. The problem is not going to go away if you take no action. You may decide that calling a professional exterminator is the best idea. However, you may prefer to try some DIY pest control first. There are some common methods that you can use to try and deal with the issue yourself. 

What to Do When You’re Expecting

There are a few things in life that can’t compare to the monumental day when you learned you are about to take the journey of motherhood. It is a news that will evoke many and varied emotions, from joy and excitement to anticipation and worry. Being a mom is not an easy feat, and a new mother will always have that nagging fear and anxiety of the changes that are to come. Of course, you will read, prepare, and brace yourself for the new addition in your lives.

5 Tips For Getting The Kids Through A House Move

For an adult, moving house is a big deal. There is a lot of organising, packing, house hunting, school hunting, area hunting - it’s a lot of hunting but without any guns! Moving from house to house is a normal thing for an adult, because we make a conscious choice to improve our situation, and if moving to a new property is the way to go, it’s what we do. Children, on the other hand, don’t get the choice.

10 Tips To Help Your Children Sleep Through

Image When you’re a mama, you always know that you’re going to have to take on an awful lot. Because not only do you have yourself to sort out now, you also have this little love bug vying for your attention. And so, you often put a lot of your own needs aside to put your first child first. And then your second, and then you’re entire brood. Or, just the one, if that’s where you stop. But, suddenly, this little bundle of joy is all you care about. So you don’t mind that you sleep less or that you look like fetching or that you feel like death from time to time. Well, maybe you do, but you let it slide. Because every mama just wants their children to be happy, and life definitely changes to accommodate that.

What You Can do with a Broken Car

(Disclaimer: This article includes sponsored link) No one likes having a broken car. It causes you stress as you drive it, wondering when it will become completely unusable. Or maybe it’s already at that point, and it’s just sitting in your driveway taking up space. Whatever the case, it’s just another thing that you must try to fit into your already hectic life as a mother. To that end, if you’re dealing with a broken car, here are a few things you can do about it.

How to Choose an Optometrist

Everyone knows that it is important to pay attention to your physical health, including your diet and exercise habits. However, no amount of taking care of yourself can be substituted for getting professional medical care on a regular basis. This means regularly seeing a primary care doctor as well as other experts, such as a dentist, at least once a year. If you've ever had problems with vision, have a history of visual impairments in your family, or have any condition that makes regular eye exams a necessity, such as diabetes, it's essential that you find an optometrist that can help you. 

Is It Time To Bring In A Professional?

Image From Pexels There's nothing like the satisfaction of a great DIY job well done. After all, being handy enough to fix problems in your home is one of the best skills that a person can have. However, one of the most common problems that a lot of people run into is the fact that they get overly ambitious and start to assume that they can deal with any problem at all. The truth is that there are plenty of tasks when it comes to fixing up your home that are simply too big for one person to deal with, especially when you don't have any kind of professional training. With that in mind, here are some times where it might be best to call in the pros.