
Showing posts with the label Family

How to Mother in Style in 2019

Becoming a mother is one of life’s most fulfilling and wonderful experiences. It’s also one that completely changes your lifestyle and priorities, now that you have a gorgeous baby to take care of, nourish, and watch take their first steps, speak their first word and grow. While you adjust to this new stage in life (losing sleep, sacrificing plans and taking time off work), you might feel that your style and fashion sense should take a back seat. But that’s not necessary; in fact, with the right attitude and products, you can maintain your chic while mothering a new child – and this article shows how.

Five Tips for Dealing with the Stress of Divorce

Divorce is difficult, and everyone deals with it in different ways. For some, their divorce is out of the blue, for others, it has been a long time coming. No matter what, you need to look after yourself and your finances when you are going through a divorce. If you have no idea where to begin, here are five important tips for dealing with the stress of a divorce.

Finding the Right Balance as a Student and Stay-at-Home Mom

In the present day, many families are finding it difficult to get by on one single income. If you are a stay-at-home mom and are struggling to make ends meet, you may be interested in furthering your education to better your career prospects. However, trying to strike the right balance between your studies and running a busy household can be challenging. Here are a few ways on how to juggle being a student and stay-at-home mom.

Parenting and Religion in 2019

Years ago, communities were full of people who came from similar walks of life. They belonged to the same churches, their kids all went to the same schools, and everyone was fairly well acquainted. Back then, entire towns rose early every Sunday morning, enjoyed a family breakfast together, then dressed in their finest clothing to head to church. There was no internet and there was little in the way of diversity, so children weren’t likely to ask the types of hard-hitting questions that they do today. Now, people can join together in fellowship remotely. They might have a telephone conference every week for Bible study instead of meeting at a house of worship. In addition, children are also aware of the various other faiths, and they see that their followers are just as devout. For parents of kids in 2019, there will be times when you will not know how to address the questions and issues that your kids bring to the table. Here is how you can overcome religious issues concern

What You Should Know Before Starting A Family

The desire to start a family is a great goal to have, but it’s not as easy or cut and dry as you may initially think. Sure, you see others growing their tribe, and you want in on all the fun too. However, there are both upsides and obstacles you’re going to have to face when adding to your family.

How To Help Your Child Choose a Musical Instrument

Music is an art form that has the potential to greatly enrich all human lives, and learning to play an instrument has many benefits for children. It helps to improve social skills, develop coordination, and advance academic performance. If your child expresses an interest in playing an instrument, you should encourage him or her without being too pushy about it. Here are some considerations to make when helping your child find an instrument he or she will love.

One Unique Way to Find Purpose Among the Hustle Bustle

As a mother, the constant and consistent daily grind can be challenging. If you have more than one child, chances are you are on the verge of losing your mind. Between waking up and bedtime- it’s a 24-hour grind. Oh, and what about that housework? Yes, that too. Although it most always is neglected or rejected in favor of saving your sanity with a 10 o’clock bath. Or make that 11 o’clock at night since your toddler still refuses to go to bed that night! The funny part about being a mom is that you’re almost expected to be “on” around the clock. Laundry, folding that laundry, cooking, putting the kids to bed (they almost always want just mom as my small toddler puts it) and cleaning up after everyone becomes the easy way out instead of trying to cajole them into putting toys away when they are tired. If you have 2 children or more, all bets are off. With constant nagging from one child to play, and the other child feeding through the night and you may as well assign yourself the role

3 Side Hustles All Moms Should Consider

More and more moms are looking for ways to make a bit of extra cash on the side without having to compromise their responsibilities as a parent. If you consider yourself to be a member of this bracket of mothers, then you’ll be pleased to hear that there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to pick up a side hustle. No matter your expertise, skills, and experience, you should try one of the following in your quest to top up your income.

5 Things Every Mom Should Do To Keep The Family Safe

Keeping the family safe and sound is our number one priority for any mother and is a full time 24 hour 7 days a week task. Here we will look at 5 good tips for keeping the family safe in various different ways. First Aid Training Why not consider going on a first aid training course as if an accident happens at home or when out and about it can take time for emergency service to arrive at the scene and if you can stabilise the situation then it could make all the difference. These courses range from only a few hours to a full day so it need not be a huge inconvenience to you but having the course under your belt can be so good as hopefully it will never be needed but to have that piece of mind that you can deal with these situations can be priceless. It also is good for job applications if you have a current and valid first aid certificate. Make Plans For Emergencies It's a good idea to make emergency plans for various outcomes, be that illness or injury, fina

Helping Your Children Deal with Times of Change

In all walks of life, times of change are inevitable at some point or another. Trying to deny such change is futile, then, as it’s going to happen whether you like it or not! A much more productive way to spend your time is to embrace this change, accept that it is going to happen, and prepare for it in the best way possible. Dealing with times of change in a healthy and productive manner is especially important when children are involved. Kids aren’t always able to grasp the concept of life moving forward and things being a bit different, which is why you need to help your little ones deal with any change that may befall them. Here are a few things you can do to do just that:

Signs Your Child May Benefit from Private Education

Private education can be a great way to improve your child's learning and social experience while at school, especially if he or she does not thrive in the public school environment. Here are some signs that your child may benefit from leaving their current public school and instead attending a private school. If your family lives in King County, Washington, there are several Sammamish private schools available to choose from.

Ways to Make Time for Yourself in Motherhood

When it pertains to motherhood, it seems like every waking moment is dedicated to the little ones. It's easy to forget about yourself in the process. Instead of falling prey to this type of disaster, consider the following ways you can make time for yourself within motherhood.

How To Get Organized For A Family Vacation

A family vacation is something to really look forward to. It’s a chance to spend time with your partner and kids, to get away from work, to forget about ‘real life’ for a week or two, and to relax and have fun. Yet getting ready for that vacation is not always particularly relaxing, and can be extremely stressful. That’s why it pays to be as organized as possible in advance; you will get everything done in plenty of time and feel better for it. Here are some of the ways you can do it.

Taking Care of Yourself to Take Better Care of Your Children

When you have children, you tend to put them above everything and anything. As parents, it is hard for us not to always have our kids’ best interests in mind. However, sometimes we forget that in order to give our kids the best lives possible, we need to pay attention to our own needs as well.

How to Appear More ‘Put Together’ As A Busy Mom

As a busy parent who always has a thousand and one thing to do to keep things running smoothly in yours, your children’s and maybe even your partner’ life, keeping up appearances can easily slip to the back of your list of priorities. Yet you see some of the other moms running their show flawlessly and making it look easy. If you also want to come across as a fierce independent woman who has her agenda held down tight, follow these simple tips to trick people into thinking just that, whatever the case really may be.

How To Be A Good Mom And Not A Bad Wife

Most expectant mothers hope to return to their usual way of life a month after the baby’s born. Then they become moms. They become exhausted. Their priorities change. Their partners, who used to be the centre of their universe, are now replaced be a newborn demanding way more attention than any partner ever could.

3 Things To Teach Your Kids About Keeping Their Bodies Safe

Sadly, one of the biggest concerns of many parents is how to keep their children safe from those who would seek to harm them. Be it emotionally or physically, children can often be vulnerable to adults or others who are bigger or stronger than them trying to overpower and hurt them . So as a parent, it’s important that you can prepare your children for how to protect themselves and keep themselves safe from this type of harm. To help you in this goal, here are three things you should teach your kids about keeping their bodies safe from others.

Teen Driving – What to Do If Your Teen Gets into An Accident

Raising a teenager can be a difficult – if not occasionally daunting – task for any parent. Many parents will agree that one of the most nerve-wracking parts of the whole experience is when your kids start driving, especially when they start driving on their own. Regardless of how skilled your teen is and how well you trained them, they are still young and inexperienced. Not only that, but you also have to worry about who else may be on the roads.

5 Things Every Nursery Needs

Your baby is on the way, and you are incredibly excited, and probably nervous. You want everything prepared for when they arrive, including their room. Creating a nursery can be as fun as you would like it to be, but there are certain things that every nursery should have. Once you decide a theme or color scheme and you have the walls painted and floors ready, it is time to stock up on some must-haves for your baby’s perfect nursery.

Filing for Uncontested Divorce in Oklahoma Without a Lawyer

Trying to file for uncontested divorce can be a pain when you can’t find the right documents that you need in order to file. At the same time, if you go through a lawyer, you have many fees that you need to pay in order to file, which can end up making you pay more in court costs and legal fees than you really need. Well, there is one company that is bound and determined to help you avoid all of that hassle – Express Documents & Mediation, Inc. They are a family and divorce mediation service that does everything they can to settle your divorce dispute and help you with filing for uncontested divorce in Oklahoma without a lawyer and you can CLICK HERE to learn more. Here is a list that they recommend you should do when it comes to getting the uncontested divorce you deserve.