
Nivea Baby Moisturizing Lotion #ProductReview

My youngest child's skin has become very sensitive mid last year and easily gets dry. He gets redness even he stays inside our home. That condition had me worry so much. I decided to change his skin care products including the soap, talc and lotion. Maybe, any of his regular skin care products doesn't suit his skin's needs anymore. For his lotion, I ended up giving him Nivea Baby Moisturizing lotion for his sensitive skin. Nivea Baby Moisturizing lotion is hypo-allergenic and clinically tested. I personally love Nivea skin care products since this is the brand I have been using lately for my skin as well. 

Plan With Me, Week 11 Planner Weekly Spread

#everymomspageplannerseries I am getting busy every week, and planning ahead is one great way to organize and get things done efficiently. I use three planners and they served the purpose very well. I love planning and I love to decorate my weekly spread as well because it is very relaxing and therapeutic. Decorating serves as my creative outlet amidst my crazy schedule. For Week 11, I decided do a blog post of my weekly spread's set up. Here is a glance at how my weekly spreads  looks like before planning starts. If you missed my pocket planner set-up, just click HERE .

My Pocket Planner Make-Over and Set-Up

#everymomspageplannerseries Hey, it's another planner related post. I have been rocking a busy life lately, and I am extremely happy with how everything goes. Though sometimes, I get overwhelmed of so many tasks to be done. I realized I just need to find the best way on how to manage time, work and finances. Just last week, hubby brought me home a sweet surprise which I posted in my Instagram account. He knows me so well that he picked up a pocket planner from a thrift store he visited where he was initially looking for an office chair. I can’t be more excited, so I go ahead and set it up! But first, here is how the pocket planner looks like.

#DIY Cash Budget Envelopes

For my cash items, I go for envelope system. Envelopes help save my skin from over spending and keep me on track with monthly bills. I have been using this system for a year now and it works just great and gives me peace of mind. Just to make it more fun, I have made DIY cash envelopes using designed papers. I put the envelopes in my planners depending on the categories. Here is how my DIY cash envelopes look like, and a tutorial on how to make it.

Fashion Fur-Not Just for Winter

Unless you live on a deserted island without internet service, it’s safe to assume you’ve seen the numerous street style starlets wearing colorful fur coats, gilets and scarves this season during Fashion Week around the world. From the streets of Paris to the catwalks of Milan, fur could be seen just about everywhere you looked. The City of Lights was decorated with bursts of color even though the temperatures were warm. On the streets of Milan, the versatility and functionality shined through with rich hues of natural shades and splashes of color.

4G #SmartBro Pocket WiFi, My Internet Buddy

I work full-time in my home based job which demands 24/7 flexible internet access. On some occasions I am not home and need to check my emails or do some work related updates, I only use limited phone data. I find using phone data a nuisance, because I only get limited internet access for the day instead of the unlimited access I paid for. I don't know how that happens but that's how it goes. The versatility and flexibility of a pocket WiFi is what I need so I asked friends on recommendations which one I should get. Most of my friends recommend to use SmartBro pocket WiFi . I was told it got great internet connection which they use even outdoor. I never think twice because this is going to be an investment I will be able to use on a daily basis even I am home since it can be used in my desktop as well.

Modern and Stylish Wedding Dress @Cocomelody

They say if there is one dress that every girls dream of wearing, it’s a wedding dress. I couldn’t agree more on this statement, so do my girlfriends. You can tell the bliss by the priceless reactions of love, excitement and overflowing happiness during wedding proposals. And what else goes during engagement, the decision for the perfect wedding dress to wear. This is one of the most exciting yet hardest part most especially if there is a budget and standards you need to meet. 

2nd Planner: New Planner Layout

For the second week of February, I decided to use this inserts from nina.and.belle shop of IG. I use this for work, social media accounts and personal while my DIY notebook planner will be for my blog and finances. I realized that my spiral Planner can no longer hold all my daily planning so I decided to use another planner which also came with the inserts.  I love the layout of the weekly inserts, it has a lot of room to write on. I have used almost the same layout before with my DIY spiral notebook planner update and it worked perfectly. It's just when I realized the space was not enough so I decided to use additional planner to separate work, social media accounts and personal from blogs, daily devotion and finances. 

Biogesic: Menstrual Cramps and Headache No More

I often experience headache and menstrual cramps during my monthly period, definitely the worst days of my life when all that I do is burn myself on my bed. This what makes being a female soo hard, imagine having to experience it monthly, urgh . I used to prepare myself a heating pad and put on my lower belly which makes the pain dissipate even for few minutes. I just have to do it over and over again which sometimes not convenient anymore.

How to Keep Your School Age Kids Safe

For parents, kids safety is one of primary concerns. You work hard to make sure your kids are secure 24/7 yet in reality, you cannot always keep eyes on them. So the least thing to do is make sure they are safe even without parental supervision in the purpose of self-care and sufficiency. Teaching life skills is always a work in progress as your kids reach school age, we know. That is why we came up with a list of simple strategies on how to abate agitation which can be very helpful for your child's security and safety.

Say Bye to Stretch Marks! #BioOil #ProductReview

My two previous pregnancies are two of those too precious and priceless experiences in my entire life. Those moments I will never regret even it caused me sagging skin and stretch marks in some parts of my body. Those stretch marks likewise substantiate my love and how much I am willing to endure for my children. I don’t know about others, but it really makes me feel appreciated to know that there are brands who know what moms like me have gone through and develop a product which helps improve appearance of scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone, ageing skin and even dehydrated skin.

Tips to Effective Daily Planning

Planning helps us be more organized with the work we already have on a daily basis. Planning, easy and quick as it seems, yet won't deliver result unless you act on it. Then, it escalates into efficiency. An effective daily planning is an integrated organization skill and willingness to achieve great results. It requires a positive attitude and determination to succeed. There are different ways we can apply effective planning depending on which method meets your needs. If you google it, you can find hundred methods. You can just pick one and test if it goes along with you. It is advisable to do the planning one or two days ahead to avoid hassle. To start off, a couple tips to keep in mind are:



How to Determine Expired Foundation

There are makeup users who are not aware on the expiration of makeup foundations they use. Once a foundation has expired, do yourself a favor. Toss it away regardless the brand and price before it cost your whole face. Continuously using it will only cause harm than beauty to your skin. Also, the efficiency of active ingredients become compromised over time. Your skin may react and cause you skin lesions, rashes, blisters, acne or even redness and swelling.

My DIY Planner Changes and Updates

#PlannerSeries #everymomspageplannerseries Remember I have posted my DIY Planner on a Budget and showed how I set it up? Well, sad to say the lay out of my weekly did not quite work for me. Notes are all over the place and appears kind of messy. I tried my best but the layout did not suits my needs. I am still trying to figure out how to keep it neat looking while keeping it functional. Or else, I need a switch to other layout until I find planner peace. I also decided to change some parts of my DIY planner which I will show in this post.