The Trials And Tribulations Of Getting Older

No one like to think about it, but the day will eventually come when you look in the mirror and spot one too many crows feet. You will begin to feel old. The skin on the back of your hand isn’t as taut as it used to be, you may be developing the odd wrinkle here and there, you hair is becoming more of a shade of gray rather than your youthful auburn hue and you are noticing the niggles in your joints a little too often for your liking. Getting old is part of life, but it doesn’t make it any easier when the sudden realization hits.

We like to think of ourselves as forever young, capable of running a 5k in the same time as we did a decade ago and able to keep up with our more youthful pals. The reality is quite different. However, it will be your frame of mind that will either help or hinder your progression into your thirties and forties. You could wave goodbye to your twenties in a sobbing heap forever mourning the loss of your adolescent glow. Or you could welcome your more mature age and go forward with a renewed positive outlook for the future. Getting older isn’t easy, but it needn’t be as hard as you may make it. Take a look at the trials and tribulations of edging closer to middle age and see how you can counteract the negative feelings you may have about it.
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Still Be Adventurous
Never allow the phrase, ‘But I’m too old for that,’ to ever pass your lips. The moment you utter these words is the moment you admit defeat and use your age as an excuse not to do something positive, have a go at something new or enjoy a new experience. Venturing into your late thirties or early forties needn’t hinder your adventurous spirit. If you love traveling, get out there and see the world. While you may not be able to climb Mount Everest anymore because you have a bit of a dodgy knee and your asthma is playing up a little, this doesn’t mean you have to wave goodbye to all elements of your traveling adventures. Find alternatives.

Instead of climbing a mountain, why not trek a flatter and less treacherous and physically demanding path? Why not head out on a safari or go and see the gorillas of Borneo in their natural habitat. Plenty of tour companies now specialize in providing an experience specifically tailored to the more mature and discerning traveler. By heading out with one of these companies, you won’t have to endure the loudness of youth and can spend your time with like-minded individuals who want to see the awe and wonder of the world.
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If you haven’t yet found the right person to settle down with and you’re worried that your body clock is ticking ever louder and faster, don’t panic or fret. The wonderful and miraculous world of fertility isn’t as scary as it once was. If you are nervous about motherhood and desperately want to have a child of your own, you should consider heading to a clinic to discuss your options. Many single women are now choosing to undergo a procedure which will allow them to have their eggs harvested and kept for a later date should they not find a partner or find that their fertility is dwindling. Specialist clinics will then keep frozen eggs and embryos safe ready for if and when they are needed.

The thought of missing out on motherhood can be a scary prospect for many women. On the other hand, many women are more concerned about the public perception of them if they don’t feel maternal. There is nothing wrong either way. Women, no matter what age they are, should ever feel pressured into conforming to society’s ‘norms.’ One of the key facets of getting older is a newfound sense of self-worth and resilience and feeling comfortable in the fact that it’s your life and you can do as you wish with it, so long as you aren’t having a detrimental impact on anybody else.
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Learn A New Skill
It doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 45, it’s never too late to learn something new. Becoming older, you may feel like your skill set is stagnating and you might not feel as adept at learning as you used to. Now is the time to test that theory. Think about something that you’ve always wanted to achieve or learn. This could be learning a musical instrument, becoming fluent in another language or partaking in a martial art. Just because their might be a four at the beginning of your two-digit age doesn’t mean you can’t join a beginners class for kickboxing, Japanese or piano. Learning something new can boost your confidence, give you a newfound sense of enthusiasm and give you the opportunity to meet new people and expand your social circle.
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Although a sobering fact, the truth is you need to keep a closer eye on your health as you get older. It’s more important at this stage in your life to eat well, stay active and keep your mind sharp. Ensure that you partake in a spot of exercise every day. While you may not be training for a marathon or heading out on 15 mile bike rides, it’s still a good idea to venture out to your local park for a brisk walk, pop to the gym for a boxercise class or keep up with a spot of weight training to ensure your muscles remain strong and healthy.

You should pay closer attention to your diet and try to mitigate the emerging middle-aged midriff that is at risk of developing. Ensure you eat the rainbow by filling your diet full of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. Yellow sweet peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, beetroot, mango, spinach and kale are full of antioxidants to boost your immune system and have a fine balance of vitamins and minerals to keep your brain sharp and your heart healthy. Eat lean meats and get plenty of oily fish in your diet. The phrase of you are what you eat has never been more true when you reach your more mature years.

Getting older doesn’t have to be difficult. Many of the trials and tribulations of getting older are to do with a negative mindset rather than becoming older. Keep a positive frame of mind, see the world, make new friends and learn new things. Just because you might be older, doesn’t mean life isn’t there to be enjoyed.

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