Being “Smart” About Your Mommy Duties: The Ways A Smart Home Can Help You


Nowadays, we can use tech for everything in the house. Whether it's for protecting your home or just making life easier, the concept of a “smart” home is something that sounds very expensive. The most interesting thing with regards to smart home technology is that it's not just a way for you to control the thermostat when you're not at home, it's a way for you to do pretty much anything! And when we live in a world where crime appears to be on the increase, we've got to do what we can to look after our home as best as we can, so this means keeping an eye on it whenever we're not there. But in the grand scheme of things, a smart home has so many benefits, so what are these?

Protecting The Property
We've got to talk about this first because protecting your property nowadays is vital. The great thing now is that there are so many smart home security systems available, if we are someone that spends a lot of time away from home, and we worry about the mess we're going to come back to, this gives us that extra piece of mind. Not just in terms of the ability to track our security cameras in real time from our phones, but also if we need to let somebody into our home while we are away, we don't need to give them a spare key, but instead, we can give them an electronic key that can unlock “smart doors”.

The Welfare Of Our Family
As we can have concerns about the place we live in, especially with regards to silent dangers like carbon monoxide, we need to have systems in place that don't just alert us if there's a slight whiff of danger in the property. For example, you can purchase a water sensor detector that can shut off your water supply if a pipe bursts. The cheaper option would be to install a sensor to alert you if water is detected somewhere that it shouldn't be, like the floor. But if you've got a child that's prone to spilling liquids “accidentally” then you don't want the sensor to alert you on a regular basis! As far as our family's safety is concerned, we can't underestimate this for a second. Yes, there are numerous carbon monoxide alarms and smoke alarms, but do you even keep up with the basic tasks like the replacement of the batteries?

Upkeep And Maintenance
These days, it would appear that cleaning our home is low on the list of priorities because we haven't got the time to do it! But if you feel that you are letting your home become Garbage Mountain, there are numerous smart devices that can provide assistance (if not make life a lot easier). But, these things do come with a hefty price tag. For example, a smart robotic vacuum can be a considerable expense, that when you have it in your life, you might wonder how you did without it in the first place! The Ecovacs Deebot Robot Vacuum Cleaner is voice activated, but you can also control it via an app. So if you had to leave the house in a hurry this morning, while your children fend for themselves, or there was some cereal casually left in the middle of the kitchen floor, you can clean the house without much effort. But if you’re not in the market for this, a smart trash can will, at the very least, give you a little bit of extra help. And if you are overwhelmed by the amount of laundry you have to do, here's another smart device that's worth installing; a washer-dryer! These are app activated, but again, can come with a hefty price tag. As far as upkeep maintenance is concerned, you should think about installing some devices to make your life easier. Yes, these can be an investment up front, but if you do the math, will it work out cheaper over time? Or, will you have a lot more free time to spend with your family?

Controlling The Ambiance
And if you’ve spent a long day at work or the kids have got the better of you, you want to turn your home into an environment that will make you relaxed in a split second. Controlling the lights and the temperature are integral to this, and while there are so many smart thermostats on the market, the lighting is the interesting aspect of adequate ambiance. A smart bulb can automatically switch lights on when you enter a room or turn them off when you leave. But the other more interesting aspects are that if you are watching a movie or a TV show and you want to get more into the experience on what you're seeing, some smart bulbs can be synced up with what you're watching, so the lighting and the colors change accordingly. It’s amazing if you're watching 2001: A Space Odyssey, but possibly not so much if you're watching Days Of Our Lives! And while everybody's got one of these nowadays, we can't not talk about a smart sound speaker. When you are having people over, especially after a difficult week, and you just want to laze on the couch, and not lift a finger, all you've got to do is give the command and it will play whatever music you want, switch the television on, and so on.

And let's not forget, a smart home is a big draw for potential home buyers. Even if you're not in the position to sell, there may come a time when this could tip the balance for someone in the market to buy a modern property. So even if your home isn't in a desirable area, the very fact that it's a smart home could make all the difference. Regardless of this, you need to make life easier for yourself in this busy day and age, and what better way to make life that little bit better than by making your home smart?

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