Four Ways A Mom Can Feel Better Each And Every Day

As a mom, it can often mean that you put yourself very low on the priority scale when it comes to taking care of yourself. Your family comes first, but in so many cases, people can not pour from an empty cup. If you are putting everyone’s needs before your own then at some point you are going to struggle. So is there anything you can do to feel better on a day to day basis? Here are some of the ways you can feel better each day without it infringing too much on your own schedule and routine.

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Drink more water
Water is also known as nature's natural detox, and while it can feel like the simplest thing in the world to do, increasing your intake of water can improve your mood, your skin tone, and your energy levels. Which can be great necessities as a mom. However, not all of us enjoy drinking water, so you may want to think about how you can do this. You could try fruit infused water drinks, which takes away that boring taste that can put people off drinking more water. Having a bottle of water close by as a reminder or prompt to drink can also be a productive way to help create a new habit of drinking more of it.

Take thirty minutes of exercise
Many moms will say they have no time for exercise, and I couldn't agree more with you. But, if we are honest with ourselves, could we find thirty minutes for a walk with the kids? Thirty minutes while a baby naps to do an at-home workout, or just thirty minutes in the evening when dad takes over. The truth is, we can often look for other things to do, but getting exercise can have some major benefits to our energy levels as well as how we feel about ourselves, so it is definitely worth the investment of time.

Get up half an hour earlier
You may already be an early riser, so I get this won’t be for everyone, but getting up earlier than the rest of the family gives you some added time to get yourself together for the day. You could use the time to dress and do your makeup. You could use the time to get ahead with chores so you can spend more time with your children. It could just be some time where you can watch some TV yourself. It is a great way to feel good and refreshed and to start the day at a slower pace.

Do something for yourself
Finally, when was the last time you did something for yourself? Do you have a hobby? Do you take pride in your appearance? Do you feel good? Sometimes having something that is just for you, be that an exercise class once a week, a bit of you time to read and relax, or just putting a bit of lipstick on in the morning. It can work wonders for your confidence levels and how you feel. 

Often taking a bit of time for ourselves can allow us to fill the cup and feel good once more.

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